Products >> Hotel Card Switch

AT101 White Panel Gold Edge
AT101 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AM203 White Panel Blue Edge
AM203 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AT201 White Panel Blue Edge
AT201 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AM103 White Panel Blue Edge
AM103 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AT101 White Panel Red Edge
AT101 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AM203 White Panel Gold Edge
AM203 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AT201 White Panel Gold Edge
AT201 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AM103 White Panel Gold Edge
AM103 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AT101 White Panel White Edge
AT101 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AM203 White Panel Red Edge
AM203 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AT201 White Panel Red Edge
AT201 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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AM103 White Panel Red Edge
AM103 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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Universal Any Card Switch
Universal any card switch, is developed for hotels that want to buy new switches or install card switches. It can be actived by any cards, such as 125KHz cards, 13.56MHz cards or normal plastic cards. There is a mechanical switch inside, when card insert...
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Universal Any Card Switch
Universal any card switch, is developed for hotels that want to buy new switches or install card switches. It can be actived by any cards, such as 125KHz cards, 13.56MHz cards or normal plastic cards. There is a mechanical switch inside, when card insert...
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AM203 White Panel Red Edge
AM203 series switch is a kind of hotel energy saving switch, it is widely used for hotel guest room, almost by a standard equipment for hotel guestroom. It helps hotels to save energy, guest or visitor need to insert their key card to take power, when the...
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